Prayer campaign for Southern Africa


“In the light of the turbulent times we are going through, we, your Bishops, invite you, Brothers and Sisters, to join with us in reciting this prayer daily in your homes, schools, at gatherings and at the end of Mass especially on Sundays. We ask that this prayer campaign be launched on the solemnity of the Assumption of Our Lady – 21 August – until further notice.”

(Southern African Catholic Bishops Conference – SACBC – Botswana, eSwatini, South AFrica)
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Pray for peace

Pray for peaceWe pray that Christians, followers of other religions, and all people of goodwill may promote together peace and justice in the world.

Pope Francis – January 2020

In a divided and fragmented world, I want to invite all believers, and also all people of good will, to reconciliation and fraternity.
Our faith leads us to spread the values of peace and mutual understanding, of the common good.

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