Missionary Sisters of Mary Help of Christians (MSMHC)

Founded by Venerable Bishop Stephan Ferrando SDB, Bishop of Shillong, INDIA

Likhaya La Maria,
P O, Box 95, Malkerns, Swaziland
Tel: +268 2528 3520
Email: msmhc@swazi.net

Sr. Susan Soren MSMHC (Animator of the community) 7672 3247
Animator, Catechetical in charge, Family Apostolate, Pre –School in charge, Animation of the Sodality of St. Ann’s. Social Apostolate, Catechist in charge. SCC & FCC

Sr. Elsa Joseph MSMHC 7641 4043
MSMHC African Mission Co-ordinator, Hope House Pro. M. Family Apostolate, Animation of the Sodality of the Sacred Heart, Healing Ministry.

Sr. Mary Clara Topna MSMHC 7842 9196
Family Apostolate, St. Anne’s Girls High School, Young Apostles of Christ (YAC) animator, Vocation Promotion. Social Apostolate, Oratory In charge, Parish Church, Sacristy and its activities. SCC & FCC


“Rooted in Christ with the dynamism of Mary our Mother, we respond to our prophetic call, to build a harmonious society of justice and love bearing lasting fruits.”

Born to respond to the needs of mission ad gentes, the Congregation of Missionary Sisters of Mary Help of Christians is primarily dedicated to the missionary apostolate. The Sisters pledge themselves to proclaim the Good News of God’s love through their total commitment to missionary evangelization, which “demands self-giving without limits of energy or time.” The Sisters share their experience of Christ whole-heartedly with others and build up human and Christian communities by the witnessing power of their lives, the active proclamation of the Word of God, catechetical instruction and their availability for service in answer to the signs of the times and the needs of people. Their mission inspires them to make present to the whole world the Mystery of Christ’s love.

To Build a Harmonious society/family of God/Kingdom of God. The congregation’s motto is: Go Proclaim the Good News to all Nations. We are called to proclaim to all that God loves them in their own situations and if they are open to receive God’s love everything will change for them and life will become delightful, meaningful and peaceful in all situations. By proclaiming God’s love we seek to build God’s kingdom in the hearts of people. When God’s kingdom comes into the lives of people they will begin to live by the values of God and there will be fruitfulness in their lives.

The Missionary Sisters work for the integral development of people and the transformation of society. They have a preferential option for women and children in rural areas, in order to lead them to the experience of Christ.

The religious consecration of the Missionary Sisters is for mission, the mission of Christ, who came to proclaim the Good News to the poor, so that all may have life in its fullness. They embody the Church’s vision and give themselves completely to the radical demands of the Gospel and become totally available to God, to the Church and to the entire human family.

Besides proclaiming the Gospel through schools, boarding, dispensaries, oratories and home for the aged, the Sisters are engaged in various activities such vocational training centres, schools for the differently able children, street children and rehabilitation centres for HIV/AIDS patients, etc.

At Present we have communities in Mozambique, Lesotho, Johannesburg, Sudan & Ethiopia.