Catechists Sunday – St John Bosco Parish

By Sr Susan Soren MSMHC

On the 18th Feb, the Catechists Sunday was celebrated in St. John Bosco  parish  Malkerns .Fr. Michael Whelten SDB Solemnized the Holy Mass reminding the catechists of their responsibility to impart faith to the children, youth and adults. He also handed over to them the catechism books which they’ll be using in 2018. The catechists’ co- ordinator Sr. Susan  Soren called out their names and introduced their task. Srs. Elsa Joseph and Mary Clara Topno too were present on this occasion as part of the Catechists team.

The catechists from the outstations celebrated their day in their own outstations, Fr. Mbongiseni Shabangu the parish priest celebrated the  Holy Mass for them on this special day.

Catholicism: A Life of Faith

by Fr W. Nkomo As we do every year this year we had the commissioning of catechists for the work of passing on the faith on to catechumens in the diocese. Our gratitude goes to the Bishop for commissioning us and the priests who took their time to be with us during this momentous event Read More

by Fr W. Nkomo

As we do every year this year we had the commissioning of catechists for the work of passing on the faith on to catechumens in the diocese. Our gratitude goes to the Bishop for commissioning us and the priests who took their time to be with us during this momentous event in our life of faith and the ever devoted catechists who caring out the work of “passing on the way of Christ to others” as the bishop exhorted them during his inspiring homily. Over 200 catechists gathered today at Our Lady of the Assumption Cathedral for the mass of commissioning. Fr Nkomo was asked to present a talk on the importance of the sacrament of reconciliation. This was because the commission for catechism in the diocese have notice the decline in the use of this sacrament. Below is the content of the talk. (more…)

Not like your ‘new year resolutions’

by Bishop Jose Luis 
Two words help us journey through the Lenten Season. Two words give the spirit to the Lenten season we are starting today: REPENT & REKINDLE. You might find others. I just chose these two ones. They are easy to remember and I believe they immediately click in you.
Enough for us to remember one of the possible formulas we use today. It could be: “remember you are dust and to dust you shall return” or “repent, believe the good news”. Repent. Change way. Turn back. You want to go to Mzimpofu from Manzini. You take the Mbabane road. You are not sure it is the right road. You stop to ask for directions. Someone will tell you: turn back. You have taken the wrong way. You have made the wrong choice or choices. I remember one evening going to the Pilgrimage in Florence. It was misty. I missed the road on the right. I kept on driving with the feeling that … something is not right. 
Lent is an invitation to become aware of that feeling… something is not right in us and we need to turn back.

Continue reading “Not like your ‘new year resolutions’”

Reflection on the 1st Sunday of Lent

By Fr Makama

The first reading this Sunday is a part of the Flood narrative (Gen. 9: 8-15) is the climax of a story of human waywardness in sin that begins in Genesis 3. Here the chaos which sin causes is evident in the disharmony it engenders between humans and other creatures (3:15), between male and female (3:16), and between humans and their earthly labours (3:17-18). Continue reading “Reflection on the 1st Sunday of Lent”

What is Lent?

By Fr Wiseman Nkomo

What is lent and why is it important in the lives of Catholics world over?

Matthew 6: 1-6, 16-18.

In this Gospel passage Jesus talks to his disciples about Prayer, Almsgiving and Fasting, emphasising the fact that our Faith is not for show off. Show off is for worldly people who live without the hope of the children of God which urges us on to eternal life where all will receive their rewards.

Lent is the forty day period before Easter. It begins on Ash Wednesday and ends on Holy Saturday excluding Sundays. Sundays are excluded for the forty days of Lent because it is the day on which Christ arose, making it an inappropriate day to fast and mourn our sins. Continue reading “What is Lent?”

Sixth Sunday Year ‘B’ Ordinary Time

by Fr. Wandile M Dlamini OSM

Theme: Although the first human beings, who were created to be full alive and healthy, sinned against God, God sent his Son Jesus to restore them to full life and health by reconciling them with God, neighbour, and themselves.

FIRST READING: Leviticus 13:1-2,44-45

This reading concerns the regulations enforced by the priests regarding certain bodily ailments which made a person to be considered unclean and a menace to the health of his neighbours. These laws about skin diseases reflect a theological not a medical concern. Because the Lord was the author of life, nothing that presented death was supposed to come into contact with anything that was part of the worship of God (the altar, priests, holy objects).

Continue reading “Sixth Sunday Year ‘B’ Ordinary Time”

Ordinary time “B”: Fifth Sunday

by Fr Wandile M. Dlamini OSM

Theme: Life can be so beautiful , even in the midst of all trials in the world, if we learn to live through the mystery of suffering for the sake of the Gospel and its promises.

FIRST READING: Job 7:1-4, 6-7

This reading presents the character of a servant of God who before, was enjoying his riches and gladness , then suddenly he gets struck by misfortunes in his life. He lost his children and all his possessions and lastly his health began to decline. He is afflicted with boils in his entire body from head to toe. He finds himself now lying in ashes, seeking relief from every angle of life. Even his wife is disgusted by the condition of life he finds himself in and loses her tamper and gives way to anger and shouts, “Do you still hold on to your integrity ? Curse God and die”. (Job 1:1-2,13). Continue reading “Ordinary time “B”: Fifth Sunday”

A booklet of prayers in SiSwati (second edition!)

by Bp José Luis IMC

The project started two years’ ago.

Arriving in the diocese of Manzini I realized that our “prayer book” was in Zulu and not in SiSwati. In 2016, reflecting on my 30th anniversary of ordination to the priesthood, I thought of doing something for the diocese. It would be “my way” of celebrating this anniversary.

Pope Francis’ words in 2015 addressing a conference marking the 50th anniversary of Vatican II’s decree on the ministry and life of priests and on priestly training, expressed why I chose to do it in this way:

“we are not priests for ourselves, and our own sanctification is closely linked to that of our people, our anointment with theirs. You have been anointed for your people. Knowing and remembering that we are ordained for the people, the holy people of God, helps priests not to think of themselves, to be authoritative, not authoritarian; firm but not hard; joyful but not superficial: in short, pastors, not functionaries.” Continue reading “A booklet of prayers in SiSwati (second edition!)”