By Fr. Peterson Mwangi IMC
Click here for Sunday’s readings
We will base our today’s reflection on the healing of the leper mentioned in today’s Gospel. Leprosy was a skin condition in the time of Jesus and also in the Old Testament as we see in the first reading; this sickness was thought to be contagious hence those who suffered from it were considered to be social outcasts who could not mingle freely with other people; in a more familiar term, they were isolated for as long as they were sick just as we are doing to Covid 19 patients today.
The feeling of someone being isolated can be traumatic for we are social beings meant to be in a family/community and not in some isolated corner. It is painful to be treated like an enemy by your own family, friends and the community due to a sickness that you never invited into your body; that’s why we see a very desperate leper coming to Jesus for help; he was tired of living a lonely life, dining alone and watching people run away from him whenever he approaches them. When he got to Jesus, he knelt at His feet and begged Him to heal him from this deadly sickness that separated him from the rest of the members of the community. In his request he said to Jesus, “If you will, you can make me clean.” Moved with pity, Jesus stretches His hand and touches the sick man and says; “I will; be clean.” And immediately the leprosy left him.
No matter how bad the situation was, the leper didn’t demand healing from Jesus but in humility he allowed the will of God to take lead in his life for he knew that Jesus had the best interest at heart for him. Probably life would be much better if we could always humble ourselves at the feet of Jesus whenever we need to pray; whether a thanksgiving prayer or a prayer of request and allow the will of God to be done in our lives, trusting in His mercy and love. When you feel lonely, abandoned, when others are busy gossiping about you, laughing at you and doing all sorts of things to degrade your human dignity, remember Jesus is always there to embrace you, to heal your both physical and spiritual sicknesses, give you words of hope and courage and finally re-integrate you back to the family of believers for His unfailing love endures forever.
However, it is unfortunate that sometimes we do not even go to Jesus for anything but prefer sorting our own life problems; we rely too much on our own strength, knowledge, the ability and wisdom of others more than our creator; that’s why we start from others and only go to God when we are defeated. As we celebrate Valentine’s Day today, let us remember the perfect love of Jesus and love those who are considered unlovable in our families and societies, embrace them and make them feel important. Amen!