The “historic” visit of the Apostolic Nuncio

It is certainly not the first time that our diocese is visited by an Apostolic Nuncio. Practically every one of them has blessed us with his presence. What made Archbishop Peter Wells’ visit “historic” is that he remained with us for nearly one week. It was a pastoral visit.

It was last January when he told me he would like to be with us for some time and have a better picture of our presence, service and life.

Being “Ascension day” a public holiday in the Kingdom of Swaziland, we suggested asking him to come around that time. He immediately agreed.We planned a very intense time:

  • Wednesday, he visited the social projects at St Joseph’s (Mzimpofu);
  • Thursday, he presided Ascension feast at the Cathedral and quickly visited the parishes of Regina Mundi (Piggs Peak) and St Peregrine’s;
  • Friday, presided Mass with the High School students at St Phillip’s and visited the projects run by Cabrini Ministries. In the evening he addressed the Swaziland Council of Catholic Women;
  • Saturday we stopped at Hlatikulu to see the garden project run by the Catholic men and then continued to Our Lady of Sorrows for the 40th wedding anniversary of Mr and Mrs Jele;
  • Sunday he presided the celebration of confirmations at St Mary’s
  • Monday he closed his visit meeting the priests and religious serving in our diocese.

We are deeply grateful not only for this time among us but also for the way he related with the people in the different places and his promise to be back again to continue visting other areas of the diocese.

Click below for photos of the visit
